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From BDSPedia
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This page is for documenting all things relating to the visuals within BDSP, as well as how to edit, add, extract, or otherwise modify them to any degree.



  • Open UABEA.
  • Hit File --> Open on the AssetBundle you want to edit.
  • When prompted, click Memory.
  • Click Info to bring up the Info window, then select the file you want to replace.
  • Click Plugins, Edit Texture, then Load.
  • Select your newly edited Texture and click Save.
  • Click File --> Save and then close the Info window.
  • Hit File --> Save in the main UABEA window.

Battle Environments

This details every Battle Environment in the game, which are typically used when the game sheds its chibi artstyle. While some of them exist but go unused in the final game, a great deal of them are considered "missing", and crash when the game attempts to load them.

ArenaID Filename Image Use

Move Animation Stuff



\romfs\data\StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\Effects\effect_common \romfs\data\StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\Effects\fxparticle

Seal stuff


Starter Pokémon selection screen

\romfs\data\StreamingAssets\AssetAssistant\FureaiHiroba\demo\pokemonview does the white one go unused?

Character Models

Main article: Character Models

Simply referred to as persons, each character can have multiple model files, being separated into battle and field folders to denote character models for in-battle and the overworld respectively.


CloudShadow refers to the file that determines how the clouds look when cast across the ground in the overworld.


digfossilcontroller refers to the file that contains the all information for the Grand Underground's mining minigame.

The background overlaid dirt texture for the minigame.

Some rewards found in the minigame, including unbreakable blocks.

Some rewards found in the minigame, including statue boxes, plates and fossils.

The UI around the side of the screen, as well as the hammer and pickaxe graphics.

All of the reward images after a minigame is completed.


The dlp_sprite_font refers to the special characters that are sparingly used throughout the game, such as the Unown in the Solaceon Ruins.

Encounter Sequences

Main article: FieldEncoutTable

This details every Encounter Sequence in the game, where a specific Pokémon will play an animation prior to their battle, known as an encSeq. These can be found, added, and edited towards the end of the FieldEncoutTable, located in gamesettings within the Filesystem. They will only work provided that the isFixedEncSeq for that species is also set to 1.

Setting the encSeq to tokushu09 or higher will crash the game. Strangely, Mew and Celebi cannot be found in the wild, but have predetermined Encounter Sequences for their species, sharing them with all Pokémon found at Ramanas Park.

encSeq Animation Used by

Facial Animation

Main article: Scripting

As called in various scripts using AC_FACE_INDEX with a designated number, characters are able to display a series of pre-set facial animations. Some characters may not have access to the full range of facial animations by default.

Script Command Name Example (Player) Example (NPC)

Gimmick Objects

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Gimmick Objects, referred to as a gimmick internally, are important overworld objects that the player can interact with, and in many cases, influence. This identifies and details the models of each gimmick, so they may be edited.

Name Gimmick

Loading Icons

Loading Icons refer to the animated silhouettes of Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup that appear when the game loads after fading to black.

In earlier updates, these were located in texturesmass, but were moved to globalgamemanagers at some point.

Filenames Image

Setup Effects

Main article: FieldEncoutTable

This details all known Setup Effects in the game, where a specific Pokémon will play a camera animation as their battle begins, known as a setupEffect. These can be found, added, and edited towards the end of the FieldEncoutTable, located in gamesettings within the Filesystem. They will only work provided that the isFixedSetupEffect for that species is also set to 1.

The default Setup Effect for all Pokémon appears to be 0 or 1. Anything that isn't 0, 1, or the numbers in the table below will crash the game.

setupEffect Animation Used by


ugasset refers to the model and textures used for the Secret Base door in the Grand Underground.

Object Graphics

Main article: PlaceDatas

Also known as the ObjectGraphicIndex, (and referred to as OGI, for the purposes of this article) Object Graphics refer to the ID of an object when called by the game, such as within a PlaceData file as a part of the masterdatas bundle. Each ID corresponds to a particular model.


Pokémon are called differently than the other Object Graphics. Instead of calling a specific ID, a combination of IDs must be combined to yield different results, with some examples in the table below. In order, they are the Pokémon's National Pokédex number, Form, (as per the names of the field models in the Filesystem) Gender, (0 = Male, 10 = Female) and Shiny status (0 = Regular, 1 = Shiny).

Dex No. FormID Used by Shiny Status Resulting OGI


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All of them.

The skin tone, eye color, and (occasionally) hair color of certain Object Graphics may be changed by editing their ColorIndex parameter in a PlaceData file, a full list of which can be found here.

-1 equates to nothing, used for invisible items, interactable map geometry (bookcases, etc.)

Character OGI

Object Models

Simply referred to as objects, (not to be confused with the Object Graphics Index) these are the model filenames for a variety of objects throughout the game. In many instances, they contain multiple meshes; with ob0008_00 containing the ribbon and box for the Mystery Gift, for example.

Name Object


Reflection refers to the reflection map used throughout the game.

Sticker Combinations

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Descriptions from the Sigma Platinum Tracker
Where are all of these Sticker combos used in the base game?

All enemy Trainers in the game have the ability to use pre-made combinations of Stickers assigned to a Pokémon, each with their own ID. In the vanilla game, these are typically reserved for the final Pokémon on a team, such as Cynthia's Garchomp.

ID Description Image Used by


This section is for taking notes.
Please take everything from this section and properly bake it into the section above.

Add everything from here --


Needs a guide done for the Unity Editor instead, due to the fact that AssetStudio doesn't properly extract particles or effects.


There's three main model types:

  • POKEMON MODELS. For extracting their models and animations you will need all of the "pm0XXX_XX" and "pm0XXX_XX_XX" files from "/Pokemon Database/Pokemons/common", and one "pm0XXX_XX_XX" file from "/PokemonDatabase/Pokemons/battle";
- All the Pokemon files are listed by their National Pokedex number ("pm0227_00" files contain Skarmory's model data)
- The Pokemon models have two "/battle" and "/field" files each, being the normal model (pm0XXX_XX_00) and shiny variant (pm0XXX_XX_01)
- If a model has one or more forms, it will show right after the dex number in the file (for example, a form0 Pokemon uses "pm0XXX_00" and "pm0XXX_00_XX" files and a form1 Pokemon uses "pm0XXX_01" and "pm0XXX_01_XX" files. This also works for Pokemon with gender variants.
- The "/battle" folder's files contain the battle model's rig and scripts, and the "/battle/animations" files contain some battle exclusive animations.
- The "/common" folder's "pm0XXX_XX" files contain the model's mesh, main animations and extra textures, and the "pm0XXX_XX_XX" files contain the main textures ("pm0XXX_XX_00" has the normal textures and "pm0XXX_XX_01" the shiny variant textures)
- The "/field" folder's files contain the overworld model's rig and scripts, and the "/field/animations" files contain some overworld exclusive animations.
  • TRAINER MODELS. They have just one file for each model containing everything, and there's two types:
- CHIBI TRAINERS, AK the overworld models, are located in "/Characters/persons/field".
- BATTLE TRAINERS, AK the non-chibi models, are located in "/Characters/persons/battle".
  • MAP/AREA MODELS. They have singular files located in "/Environments";
- Battleground maps are located in "/bg/arenas/ground", each file being a different battle arena.
- The other folders contain overworld maps and areas
EXTRACTING MODELS AS .fbx (Recommended for Blender/Maya)
EXTRACTING MODELS AS UNITY PROJECT (Recommended for more accurate animations)
  • Open AssetRipper.
  • Drag your desired AssetBundles from the filesystem into AssetRipper.
  • Hit Export at the top, then Export all files.
  • Drag the extracted folder into your Unity project (Note that the extracted scripts and shaders won't work)


  • Open AssetStudio.
  • Drag your desired AssetBundle from the filesystem into AssetStudio.
  • Select any amount of Texture2D files, right-click, then hit Export selected assets.