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Pokémon Sigma Platinum |
![]() Title Screen by Gunsparce98 ![]() Logo by kojiyomi |
Developed by Team Sigma Platinum ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Current Version: Version 1.1.2 |
![]() |
This page or section contains undocumented information. Please ensure all of the info is complete! |
Sigma Platinum is a mod for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl that vastly overhauls the game to be a Platinum remake in the style of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver or Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, as if it were made by GAME FREAK.
Changes from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Obtainable Pokémon
- Main article: Sigma Platinum Pokédex
The amount of Pokémon in the game has been doubled! From 493 to over 900, matching Pokémon Legends Arceus.
Gym Leaders
Crasher Wake
Pokémon League
Frontier Brains
Darach and Caitlin
Partner Trainers
Team Galactic
Team Galactic Grunts
Supporting Characters
Professor Rowan
Trainer Classes
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
Black Belt
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
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Battle Girl
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Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
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Battle Girl
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Battle Girl
Battle Girl
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Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Battle Girl
Version History
Version 1.1.2 | |
Bugfixes | |
Bugfix | Fixed a bug where Following Pokemon would crash the game |
Version 1.1.1 | |
Overhaul | |
Overhaul | The game has been updated to work with Pokemon BDSP Version 1.3.0 |
Gameplay | |
Addition | The Player is given the option to use the DP or Platinum outfit at the start of the game |
Bugfixes | |
Bugfix | Contests no longer crash upon entry |
old tables, need moving to new format
Version 1.1.1 | |
Overhaul | The game has been updated to work with Pokemon BDSP Version 1.3.0 |
Addition | The Player is given the option to use the DP or Platinum outfit at the start of the game. |
Bugfix | Contests now function properly. |
Version 1.1.0 | |
Overhaul | The game has been updated to work with Pokemon BDSP Version 1.1.3 |
Addition | Following Pokemon are now even more accurate at keeping up with the player than before. |
Addition | The Veilstone Department Store now sells Evolutionary Stones & Items. |
Addition | Trade Items are now used to evolve Pokemon, instead of being held whilst-trading |
Addition | The Battle Zone now features trainers with fully-evolved parties, which continue to be based on their Platinum teams. |
Addition | Cyclists have had their teams updated with Pokemon befitting of their trainer class, similar to Hoenn's Triathletes. They use Pokemon from Platinum's Regional Dex. |
Addition | Both the Battle Tower & Metronome Style Shop now have significantly cheaper items. |
Addition | GAME FREAK's Morimoto has been turned into a post-game Superboss. |
Addition | The majority of Trainer Classes now use unique Poke Balls, like in Pokemon Sun & moon onwards. |
Addition | Pokemon now operate at their True Scale both in and outside of battle. |
Addition | The Battle UI now has a lighter text. |
Addition | Jubilife City now has an updated billboard. |
Addition | Area Names now sport an updated graphic, like Pokemon Platinum. |
BugFix | Fixed a bug where an NPC is Jubilife City had a grammatical error in his dialogue. |
BugFix | Fixed a bug where Cyrus at Spear Pillar had an inaccurate team. |
BugFix | Fixed a bug where Fisher Walter had an inaccurate team. |
BugFix | Fixed a bug where Hiker Justin had an inaccurate moverset on a Pokemon. |
BugFix | Fixed a developer oversight where certain Pokemon would not use their Walking/Running animations when following the player |
BugFix | Fixed a developer oversight where Rayquaza had a high Catch Rate, due to it being copied from the Delta Episode of Pokemon OR/AS |
BugFix | Corrected an error in the opening credits. |
Version 1.0.0 | |
Addition | Pokemon Trainer teams from Pokemon Platinum have been added, with BDSP-style levels and movesets. |
Addition | Wild Encounters from Pokemon Platinum have been added. |
Addition | Glameow, Misdreavus, Stunky and Murkrow have been added back to various locations, (Route 206, 214, Eterna Forest) in spite of their removal in Platinum. |
Addition | Cranidos & Shieldon can now be found in the hidden entrance to Wayward Cave. |
Addition | Porygon & Eevee can now be found in the Trophy Garden. |
Addition | Rotom is now obtainable before obtaining the National Dex. |
Addition | Eevee is now obtainable from Bebe in Hearthome City before obtaining the National Dex. |
Addition | Wayward Cave's hidden no longer requires Strength to access, meaning Gible can be obtained as soon as in Platinum. |
Addition | The Special Pokemon in the Grand Underground have been changed from Platinum-like Pokemon with the dual-slot encounters in the original. |
Addition | The Resort Area now contains Magikarp from Lv. 1 --> Lv. 100 when using the Super Rod. |
Addition | Moves execute a whole 60 frames (one-second) faster than in BDSP. |
Addition | Following Pokemon will now join the player indoors. |
Addition | A brand-new opening and title screen have been added. |
Addition | The game now runs at a native 60 FPS as opposed to the original 30. |
Addition | Twinleaf Town and Route 228 now have new weather (Hail and Volcanic Ash respectively) |
Addition | BDSP's Battle and Pokedex UI has been updated, based on Platinum's. |
Addition | Lucas & Dawn will now use their designs from Pokemon Platinum. |
Addition | The Team Galactic PC Box from Platinum now depicts Commander Charon, instead of a second Team Galactic Grunt. |
Addition | Broadcast about the Red Gyarados has been replaced with ROwan's Report from Platinum's opening, featuring new dialogue and music. |
Addition | Various TV Spots have been updated with new visuals and dialogue |
Addition | Numerous areas now have updated textures to math their appearance in Pokemon Platinum (list follows below) |
Improvement | Cycling Road |
Improvement | Eterna Forest |
Improvement | Eterna City |
Improvement | (Eterna) Team Galactic Building |
Improvement | Hearthome City |
Improvement | Jubilife City |
Improvement | Lost Tower |
Improvement | Lost Tower (Battle Area) |
Improvement | Mt. Coronet |
Improvement | Route 210 (House) |
Improvement | Sunyshore City |
Improvement | Veilstone City |
Improvement | (Veilstone) Team Galactic HQ |
Improvement | Battle Zone |
Improvement | Stark Mountain |
Improvement | Magma Chamber (Heatran's Room) |
Addition | Various references and mentions of future regions, Pokemon and characters in NPC dialogue have been added. |
Addition | Barry no longer references the Red Gyarados. |
Addition | Rowan mentions briefly seeing Cyrus at Lake Verity. |
Addition | "Use another?" has been replaced with "Do you want to use another Repel?" when prompted. |
Addition | Cyrus has had tweaked dialogue at Spear Pillar and the Battle Tower to better match his Platinum personality. |