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The vanilla filesystem found within the romfs/data folder contains every editable every aspect of the game short of Code Injection, usually in the form of AssetBundles. All parameters can be edited here. The Managed and Resources folders found in the data folder simply contain default Unity assets, and will not be covered by this page.
This page is a detailed guide on navigating the filesystem to find any file needed by the user, with the folder structure reflected by the Table of Contents, as seen on the left side of this page.
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The following steps require specific tools. You will need: - AssetStudio - UABEA |
root folder
In the root of the data folder, several useful bundles can be found.
- globalgamemanagers - Contains files that control global settings for the game such as the framerate, or graphics used throughout the game.
- battle - Empty.
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- battle_masterdatas - Contains files that controls audiovisual data for battles.
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A folder containing camera information relative to each move.
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A folder containing sequence information relative to each move.
- Characters - Empty.
- Main article: Object Models
A folder containing models for various objects seen throughout the game.
- Main article: Character Models
A folder containing models for all characters in the game.
A folder containing models for all characters seen in battle.
A folder containing models for all characters seen in the overworld.
A folder containing data for the Grand Underground mining minigame.
- depositmaterial - Empty.
- digfossilcontroller - Everything containing data for the Grand Underground mining minigame.
- gamesettings - Contains files that control the Wild Encounters and general area information.
A folder containing assets for all environments in the game.
- bg
- arenas
- ground - A folder containing AssetBundles for every Battle Environment.
- arenas
- fields - A folder containing AssetBundles for every large outside area.
- gimmick - A folder containing AssetBundles for important overworld objects known as gimmicks.
- prefab_map - A folder containing AssetBundles for every indoor area.
- underground - A folder containing AssetBundles for every Grand Underground area.
- ugasset - A bundle containing the model and textures used for the Secret Base door in the Grand Underground.
- Main article: Music
A folder containing all of the music in the game. A list of which filenames correspond to which songs can be found here.
A folder containing all of the videos used in the game, with the name changing depending on your version.
A folder containing all eight credits sequences for the game in .webm format.
- movie_dia_en_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in English.
- movie_dia_fr_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in French.
- movie_dia_ge_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in German.
- movie_dia_it_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in Italian.
- movie_dia_jp_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in Japanese.
- movie_dia_ko_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in Korean.
- movie_dia_op_loop.webm - Title screen background loop for the game.
- movie_dia_si_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in Simplified Chinese.
- movie_dia_sp_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in Spanish.
- movie_dia_tr_op.webm - Opening video for the game, in Traditional Chinese.